Thursday, August 25, 2011

High School.

Dear Wendy,
This week I started High School! I know it's crazy, I can hardly believe it! On the first day especially, I kept thinking, I wish I could tell Wendy all about this...Well, here I am. I feel really small there. Juniors and Seniors intimidate me, but less and less each day. I like my classes for the most part, however, I can tell that AP US History is going to be an adventure...but hey! It's all part of the experience, right??? Cause I definitely know I might be able to pull all nighters with this class on my schedule...just don't tell mom. :) I wore a pink ruffly shirt, and stripey knock~off Toms on my first day. As I was choosing my outfit I could just hear your voice in my head saying, "No matter what you wear, the girl inside is going to be what people are really looking at. And they're going to be awe~struck." Wendy, I love and miss you so much. Thank you for the wonderful example you are to me, and for always being so caring and making me feel so loved 100% of the time. I never doubted that I was special when you were around. Just know that there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you, and your sweetness.
Love your forever, and for always,

oh p.s. Monday night as I was talking to Dallin about 1st grade in his room, I asked him if he was scared. He said not at all (of course...he's such a brave boy :)) In turn he asked me if I was scared for high school. When I told him yes, he tells me, "Annalesha, you don't need to be scared. You are big enough to handle high school." So cute, and comforting. I just love that boy, and his sweet spirit. :) :)

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